
这里用的是 gitalk 构建的评论区,首先需要安装,在博客根目录输入命令

npm i --save gitalk

安装后在配置文件会出现 gitalk 的配置信息,形如

# gitalk
# https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
  client_id: 'GitHub Application Client ID'
  client_secret: 'GitHub Application Client Secret'
  repo: 'GitHub repo'
  owner: 'GitHub repo owner'
  admin: 'GitHub repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize github issues'
  language: en # en, zh-CN, zh-TW, es-ES, fr, ru
  perPage: 10 # Pagination size, with maximum 100.
  distractionFreeMode: false # Facebook-like distraction free mode.
  pagerDirection: last # Comment sorting direction, available values are last and first.
  createIssueManually: true # Gitalk will create a corresponding github issue for your every single page automatically

主要要填的是 client_id, client_secret, repo, owner, admin,前两个需要在 GitHub 上生成。在 GitHub 上 点击 setting > Developer setting > OAuth Apps,选择 Register a new application,填写相关信息即可,其中 Homeback URL 是填博客的地址,callback URL 是填认证后回去的地址。这个 OAuth 其实就是 GitHub 的第三方认证。

repo 填写仓库名字,owner 填写仓库的所有者,admin 填写对仓库有写权限的用户。


  1. Hexo + Butterfly 评论功能